Skillset Australia

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Stable Occupation

Nursing is a career with a multitude of excellent designations. It’s renowned for its stability, offering opportunities for advancement and achievement, and for being a gratifying profession that goes beyond mere remuneration.

PR Pathway Courses

Nursing has been listed on the MLTSSL (Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List) for quite some time, and it is currently featured in 17 prime occupations. As a result, nursing offers a greater number of potential PR  visa opportunities to apply for in Australia.

Nursing in Australia

Nursing stands as one of the top professions for international students in Australia, thanks to its promising career progression and abundant employment opportunities.

Why Study Nursing Now ?

Australia is projected to face a shortage of nurses in the next decade, leading to a surge in demand for recent nursing graduates. This increased demand for registered nurses and nurse specialists can be attributed to several factors, including a growing reliance on the healthcare system driven by an aging population, escalating treatment costs, and heightened consumer expectations.

This program provides an opportunity to enter the workforce and gain valuable nursing skills over a period of 18 to 24 months. During this time, you will have the chance to work in diverse nursing environments while simultaneously pursuing your Bachelor of Nursing degree.

All there is to Know about Nursing

Career Outcome

Nurse Researcher

They work in hospitals, medical clinics, and research laboratories to conduct nursing-level research.

Average Salary
$82257 a year

Registered Nurse (surgical)

They provide nursing care to patients who are suffering from injuries or illnesses that necessitate surgical treatment.

Average Salary
$76874 - $93957 a year

Registered Nurse (Mental Health)

They function independently and collaboratively in the advanced assessment and treatment of mental health conditions.

Average Salary
$87000 - $94000 a year

Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation)

They assist patients in their recovery from injuries and support individuals with disabilities to achieve greater independence in their lives.

Average Salary
$87000 - $94000 a year

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