Skillset Australia

Study and live in Australia

Studying and living in Australia is a great opportunity to experience a high-quality education, a vibrant and multicultural society, and a stunning natural environment.

Australia is home to some of the world’s top universities, including the University of Melbourne, the University of Sydney, and the Australian National University. Australian universities offer a wide range of courses at all levels, from undergraduate to postgraduate.

In addition to its world-class universities, Australia also has a strong vocational education and training (VET) sector. VET courses can provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to start a career in a variety of industries.

International students are welcome in Australia, and there are a number of support services available to help you settle in and succeed. The Australian Government’s Study Australia website provides information on everything from visas and accommodation to student support services and work opportunities.

The benefits of studying and living in Australia

High-quality education

Australia has a world-class education system, with universities ranked among the best in the world.

Stunning natural environment

Australia is known for its beautiful natural environment. The country has a wide range of landscapes, from beaches to rainforests to deserts.

Work opportunities

International students are allowed to work part-time while they study. This can help you to gain valuable work experience and earn extra money.

Post-study work visa

After you graduate, you may be eligible for a post-study work visa. This will allow you to stay in Australia and work for up to two years after you finish your studies.